Local development under uncertainty: Australia’s rural experience Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 7-26Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Territorial planning as support for local development. A methodology applied to Guatemala Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 27-46Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Challenges and perspectives of rural development in Ukraine Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 47-68Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Rural areas of economic success in Poland – diagnosis and conditioning Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 69-88Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Microregional development in border regions of Czechia Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 89-106Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
The emergence of farmers-entrepreneurs as local development agents in the rural space of Israel Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 107-126Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Strategies for the development of sericulture for rural development. Case study of Malda District of West Bengal, India Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 127-152Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Informal housing and community led local economic development Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 153-164Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Agricultural conditions and local development in Michoacán, Mexico Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2009)Tom 20 - Socio-economic disparities and the role of local developmentStrony: 165-185Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF