Functional structure of gminas in Poland – classification approaches and research opportunities Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 7-22Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Impact of the EU funds on the diversification of economic activity (of farms) and their role in multi-functional development of rural areas Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 23-44Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
How big is the digital divide between rural and urban areas in Poland? Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 45-58Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Towards the creation of the “Network of the most interesting villages”. Selected problems of rural renewal in Poland Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 59-72Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Overestimating the role of tourism in rural areas on the example of selected regions in Poland and Croatia Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 73-84Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Outdoor advertising in rural areas attractive for tourism Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 85-98Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
The concept of tourism development as a factor increasing the tourism potential of rural communes – a case study Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 99-112Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
Thematisation of space as a local development factor. Case study of Sierakowo Sławieńskie and Masłomęcz Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 113-123Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF
The role of agricultural producers in building the social capital in rural areas. Cooperation of pig farmers from Babin – case study Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (2016)Tom 43 - Multifunctional developmentin rural spaces: challenges for policy and planningStrony: 125-136Link do publikacji (RCIN): PDF